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Dr Raj K Singh

Principal Scientist


Research Interest

  • Chemistry of Crude Oil
  • Environment Friendly Additive Technologies for Petroleum Products and Crude Oil
  • Carbohydrate Chemistry & Green Chemistry
  • Coordination Chemistry and Desulfurization of Petroleum Fractions

Work Experience

Awards and Honours

  • 2005 Best presentation Award XI-MTIC, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
  • 2003 Qualified GATE

Selected Publications

  • Faujdar, E. and Singh, R.K., 2021. Methyl oleate derived multifunctional additive for polyol based lubricants. Wear, 466, p.203550. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2020.203550)
  • Negi, H. and Singh, R.K., 2021. Study of azomethine functionalized cellulose with salicylaldehyde as novel demetallization agent for metalloporphyrins in crude oil. Cellulose, 28(5), pp.2635-2648. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-021-03718-9)
  • Faujdar, E. and Singh, R.K., 2021. Study on alkylated Schiff base of a triazole with 3, 5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde as a novel multifunctional lubricant additive. Fuel, 302, p.121158. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121158)
  • Negi, H., Sharma, S. and Singh, R.K., 2021. Assessment of cellulose substituted with varying short/long, linear/branched acyl groups for inhibition of wax crystals growth in crude oil. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 104, pp. 458-467. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2021.08.043)
  • Faujdar, E. and Singh, R.K., 2022. Studies on the application of poly (acrylate‐co‐maleic anhydride) amides with N‐phenyl‐p‐phenylenediamine as multifunctional lube additives. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 139(21), p.52195. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/app.52195)
  • Negi, H. and Singh, R.K., 2023. Chitosan-Based Amphiphilic Compound Synthesis and Its Use as an Asphaltene Dispersant and Viscosity Modifier. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 14, pp. 781–794. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-022-01892-w)

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