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Dr Neeraj Atray

Principal Scientist

Dr Neeraj Atray
B Sc 1992, Meerut University
M Sc 1994, Meerut University
Ph D 1998, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
E Mail neeraj[at]iip[dot]res[dot]in
Telephone No. 0135-2525711, 748
Cell No. +91 9458131017

Research Interest

  • Process Development for Biofuel Production
  • Development of Multifunctional Additives for Fuels and Lubricants
  • Development of Certified Reference Material (CRM) for Petroleum Applications
  • Exploration of unexploited tree borne seed oil of Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh region for application as biofuel and bio-additives
  • Applied Chemistry

Work Experience

Principle Scientist CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun (2014 – till date)
Senior Scientist CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun (2010-2014)
Scientist CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun (2005-2010)
Junior Scientist CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun (2002-2005)
Scientist Fellow CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee (2000-2002)
Research Associate Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (1998-2000)

Awards and Honours

  • Young Scientist Award in First Uttarakhand Science Congress organized by Uttarakhand State Council of Science & Technology (UCOST), 2006
  • Best Paper Award, International Conference on Biofuels, Universty of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, 2015
  • Chairman, Technical Session, International Conference on Biofuels, Universty of Petroleum and Energy Studies,
    Dehradun, 2015
  • Best Stall Award, India International Science Festival (IICF), CSIR-National Physical Laboratry, New Delhi, 2016


  • A process for conversion of low cost and high FFA oils to biodiesel
    Indian patent (Appl. No. 1900 Del 2009)
  • A process for Conversion of low cost and high FFA oils to biodiesel
    US US20120255233 A1
  • A process for Conversion of low cost and high FFA oils to biodiesel
    PCT/1B2010/000592, PCT patent in France, Germany, Europe and US, Canada and Australia
  • Process for the production of fatty acid methyl esters from fatty acid esters from fatty acid triglycerides
    Indian Patent (Appl. No. 031 Del 2011)
  • Development of new generation micro-electromechanical bio lube base stocks for clock like mechanisms and precision instruments
    Indian Patent (Appl. No. 0288NF2013)
  • An Improved continuous process for alkyl ester from low cost feed stocks
    Indian Patent (Appl. No.201711000453)

Selected Publications

  • Recent Progress in the preparation of eco-friendly lubricants and fuel additives through organic transformations of biomaterials
    Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry, 14(1), 44-55, 2017
  • Synthesis of a novel effiecient anti-oxidant for use in lubes and biodiesel
    Petroleum Chemistry, 57(1), 100-105, 2017
  • Study of a Novel phenolic-ester as antioxidant additive in lube, biodiesel and blended diesel
    J. Ind. Eng. Chem. Research, (DOI :10.1016/j.jiec.2016.03.029, 2016
  • Development of new ecofriendly detergent / dispersant /antioxidant/antiwear additives from L-histidine for biolubricant applications
    RSC Advances, 5, 37649-37656, 2015
  • Use of Acylated Chitosan Schiff Base as Ecofriendly Multifunctional Bio-Lubricant Additive
    Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 53 (48), 18370–18379, 2014

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