19 September 2024 7:25 AM
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Objectives and Guidelines

The major objectives of this programme is to involve AcSIR students to undertake a project of 6-8 week duration exclusively related to societal and/or rural issues. The objective is to create and nurture a sense of social consciousness and responsibility by participating in scientific activities relevant to social and national cause.

It is mandatory that students aspiring to obtain Ph D from AcSIR undertake a project concerned with societal/rural issues under this programme of 04 credits.

Project Focus Areas

Enhancing Income of the Downtrodden

  • Bio-waste to Bio-Fuels
  • Rural Empowerment and Employment
  • Waste-to-wealth
  • Water Harvesting and Purification

Improving Quality of Life

  • Affordable Health Care
  • Environment Protection
  • Green Technologies
  • Low Cost Housing
  • Potable Water Supply
  • Sustainable Energy

Guidelines For CSIR-HARIT Linked AcSIR Projects

  • Students shall select a scientific topic of social relevance and aligned with the focus areas of CSIR-HARIT and studying the problem in detail
  • Students shall try to find out solutions which are techno-commercially viable and have the potential to be scaled up to reach out to uplift the life of millions of downtrodden
  • It shall not be a mandatory requirement to live and work in the targeted areas, however, the ultimate objective of addressing societal problems shall not be compromised
  • Students can participate in a CSIR-HARIT project either in CSIR-IIP or any other CSIR institute
  • In case the student wants to do the project in any other CSIR Institute, he/she should send a request to the coordinator of his/ her laboratory forwarded through the thesis supervisor well in advance. The coordinator in turn shall forward the request after taking the approval of the Director to the coordinator of the laboratory where the project is intended to be undertaken
  • The coordinator of the laboratory where the project will be undertaken shall obtain an approval from the Director of the laboratory which shall then be communicated to the student through the coordinator of the students parent Institute
  • The Institute where the project is to be undertaken shall provide all necessary infrastructural facilities and extend all possible help and cooperation to facilitate the student to complete the project
  • After carrying out the project, the student should submit a report and give a presentation highlighting the observations/results of the project and provide recommendations (if any)
  • It is encouraged that the student prepares a shorter version of the report for societal usage highlighting the objectives of the project, observations and recommendations (if any). Such reports may be sent to the relevant officers (District magistrate/ BDO’s etc) of the target area for information if felt necessary only after the approval of the Director(s) of the student’s host Institute and where the student has undertaken the project work. Host Institute is expected to translate the short report into different regional languages that are spoken locally

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