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Dr Sanat Kumar

Senior Principal Scientist


Research Interest

  • Valorization of waste plastics
  • Rheological behavior of petroleum fluids
  • Specialty waxes
  • X-ray diffraction and thermal analyses

Work Experience

Awards and Honours

  • National Award by Minsitry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India for the technology on converting waste plastics to fuels
  • DAAD Fellowship


Selected Publications

  • Application of triazine based Gemini surfactants as viscosity reducing agents of tar sand derived bituminuous crude
    M Sahay, RK Singh, A Kukrety, A Kumar, SS Ray, V K Chhibber, S Kumar
    Energy & Fuels., 32, 3, 3031-38, 2018
  • Synthesis of green flouresecnet carbon quantum dots using waste polyolefins residue for Cu++ ion sensing and live imaging
    A Kumari, A Kumar, SK Sahu, S Kumar,
    Sensors & Actuators B: chemical; 254, 197-205; 2018
  • Crystal structure of fractionally crystallized waxes isolated from crude oil
    M Sahay, A Kumar, S Kumar,
    Journal of Applied Crystallography, 50, 639-642, 2017
  • Pyrolytic degradation of polyethylene under high pressure to obtain fuel
    A Kumari, S Kumar,
    Journal of Analytical & Applied Pyrolysis, 124, 298-302, 2017
  • Identification of Acyclic Isoprenoid Compounds in Tank Bottom derived Wax,
    S Kumar, KM Agrawal, P. Fischer,
    Energy & Fuels, 18, 1588-1594, 2004

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