19 September 2024 10:03 PM
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Dr. Mohd Belal Haider


Research Interest

  • Carbon Capture and Utilization
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Alternative fuel
  • Process development and optimization

Work Experience

Awards and Honours

  • Selected as Eyes High-Postdoc fellow by University of Calgary, Canada for the project entitled as Project-NISHA (Nature Inspired Solvents for Hydrogen Application)
  • Offered Post-doctoral fellowship in West Virginia University, Virginia, USA
  • Young Scientist Award, DST, Govt of India, 2019
  • International Travel Support by SERB, to visit and present work (Oral Talk) at Engineering Sustainable Development-2019, AIChE, Seoul, South Korea
  • 2nd best poster presentation award at Research Scholar Symposium, 2019, RGIPT
  • Best M.Tech thesis award by Indian Society for Technical Education
  • Silver Medal for securing 10/10 CGPA during M.Tech, RGIPT
  • First prize at ChemQuiz by Indian institute of chemical Engineering (IIChE), 2011


Selected Publications and Book Chapters


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