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Dr Sanat Kumar

Senior Principal Scientist

B Sc Physics, Chemistry (Honours), Mathematics
M Sc Chemistry (Organic)
Ph D Chemistry
E Mail sanat[at]iip[dot]res[dot]in
Telephone No. +91-135 2525794
Cell No. +91-9897286986

Research Interest

  • Valorization of waste plastics
  • Rheological behavior of petroleum fluids
  • Specialty waxes
  • X-ray diffraction and thermal analyses

Work Experience

Post Doctoral Researcher (QHF) 2002-2005
Scientist 2 Jan 2006- 1 Jan 2010
Senior Scientist 2 Jan 2010-1 Jan 2014
Principal Scientist 2 Jan 2014-1 Dec 2016
Senior Principal Scientist 2 Dec 2016- – present

Awards and Honours

  • National Award by Minsitry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India for the technology on converting waste plastics to fuels
  • DAAD Fellowship
  • CSIR Junior & Senior Research Fellowship•


  • A process for conversion of low polymer wax (low molecular weight ethylene) to waxes, base oil and grease base stocks using organic peroxides and metal oxides (US 9,714,385 B2)
  • A novel process for the exclusive production of gasoline, diesel or aromatics along with liquefied petroleum gas from waste polyolefins like polyethylene, polypropylene and low polymer wax (Patent Application No 0676 DEL 2010)
  • 3. An improved process for the fractionation of hard microcrystalline waxes to produce different melting grade of waxes (Patent no IN 240839, 2010)

Selected Publications

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