19 September 2024 9:49 PM
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  • Library will open on all working days from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm.
  • The library will remain closed on all National Holidays, Saturday and Sundays.
  • All users must prepare to leave the Library ten minutes before closing time and to be out of the Library Hall by closing time. Books available for loan may be borrowed until ten minutes before closing time.
  • It is strictly prohibited to take inside the library, articles such as bulky files, handbags, brief cases, boxes, umbrellas, etc. These should be left on the property counter at the entrance.
  • Issue of library documents will be made only to the legitimate card-holders as users of the library.
  • Members must produce their valid library membership card when borrowing the books.

    Members must check to see that all library materials in their possession have been properly checked out to them before leaving the library.

  • Members shall be held responsible for all materials charged to their card.
  • Members shall be held responsible for any mutilation (including defacement) found in library materials when returned. They must check and report any mutilation found at the time of issuing the book.
  • Members must report the loss of library materials immediately to the Circulation Section of the Library and they must pay the compensation for the lost book.
  • Any book not returned in response to a final overdue notice would be considered as lost and the member would be asked to pay compensation for the lost book.
  • Fines will be calculated according to the rate of fines, from the due date and the amount should be paid in the cash section of the Institute
  • Members must ensure that the books issued to them have been returned or renewed on or before the date scheduled.
    • The borrowing members who repeatedly fail to return documents on due date consecutively on five occasions may loss the privilege of the membership of the library. They will not be allowed to borrow the books;
  • The users must sign the register kept at the exit gate of the Library.

    In the event of a book/publication issued on loan being required for any important or urgent purpose, the Officer-in-charge of the Library may recall it any time and such a book/ publication shall be returned by the member within 24 hours.
  • For reissue the book shall be returned physically at the counter and got reissued.
  • Any member requiring a book or other publication, which has been issued, may get it reserved for him at the Circulation Counter and such a book/publication shall be issued to the members in the order of priority.
  • Encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, Yearbooks, atlases, rare books, books which are out of print, reference books, newspapers (current and back numbers), press clipping folders (current and old ones) and books in damaged and brittle condition shall not be issued out. Such books/publications/folders shall be made available for consultation in the Library premises only.
  • No new book or other publication shall be issued to members till after a week of their having been displayed in a New Arrivals. Each new addition shall bear the date up to which it would remain on display
  • The borrower/member is obliged to compensate lost or damaged items either by substituting the material or paying for it. Fines will be calculated according to the CSIR mannual
    • Library users are required to get the publications cheeked by library staff at the time of exit.Irrespective of rank or position of the users of the library, the library staffs are empowered to stop and check the users with due courtesy and politeness, in case of suspicion of improper removal of articles from library.
  • Silence should be strictly observed in the library.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the library.
  • No person should write upon, damage or make and mark upon any document belonging to the library.
  • The books, journals etc. removed from the library shelves should not be replaced but left on the table. A book misplaced is a book lost.

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