17 September 2024 1:33 AM
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  • Bench top XRD for powder samples
  • Physisorption analyser for Surface area and porosity are physical properties that impact the quality and character of solid phase materials
  • Chemisorption analyser for quantitatively measure the number of surface active sites
  • In-situ FTIR for to characterize the surface of solid catalysts and to assess sorbed reactants and products together with important itermediates of the catalysed reactions is outlined
  • In-situ UV-Vis-NIR to investigate of the synthesis of solid catalysts, support interactions, and for the modification of solid catalysts during calcination and poisoning
  • HRTEM for characterization of Nanoparticles
  • Online Gas Chromatograph for fast analysis of product
  • Online Gas Chromatograph with Mass and quadrupole Mass for fast identification of products

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