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डॉ अंकुर बोरदोलोई

वरिष्ठ वैज्ञानिक

Principal Scientist

अनुसंधान हित

  • Design and development of nano materials (metal, metal oxides, porous materials carbon materials for efficient, selective and stable catalyst systems
  • C1 Chemistry
  • Syngas generation and utilisation process from renewable and conventional resources
  • Structure and activity relationship, Metal Support interactions, Support-substrate interactions and In-situ reaction /operando studies
  • Alternative Hydrogen production

कार्य अनुभव

पुरस्कार और सम्मान

  • Keerti Sangoram endowment award for best research scholar of the year 2007, in Physical/Material sciences, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
  • Prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for postdoctoral research, Germany
  • Recipient of Prestigious DR K S KRISHNAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATESHIP, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)
  • Awarded DST Fast Track Young Scientist, 2014


चयनित प्रकाशन

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