20 September 2024 3:33 AM
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Gas Chromatograph Refinery Gas Analyzer (GC-RGA)

Make and Model Make: SCION Instruments
Model: Scion 456-GC RGA
Brief Specifications No. of detectors: 3
No. of column oven: 1
Analysis time: 25 min
Repeatability: <1%
Applications Determination of typical sources of refinery gases include atmospheric or FCC overheads, ethylene, propylene production, fuel gas, stack gas and off gas from desulfurization using industry standard methods like UOP 539, DIN-51666 and ASTM D2163.
Sample requirements (quantity, nature, pre-treatment etc. and any other specific requirements Sample quantity: 500 cc
Sample nature: Gaseous hydrocarbons
Pre-treatment requirement: No
Other specific requirement: No

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