19 September 2024 10:21 PM
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Charges and Sample Requirement

Facilities Make Application Rate of Analysis No of samples per week
High resolution mass spectrometer (HRMS) MSI, Ltd, U.K. Organic mass analysis Rs 25000 per element per sample Fifteen (15)
Gas chromatograph- Mass Spectrometer, GC-MS Thermo Fisher Organic mass analysis Rs. 5000/- per element per sample Thirty (30)
Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer M/S Leeman Labs USA Metal Analysis Rs 5250 per element per sample Five (5)
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer   Metal Analysis Rs 5250 per element per sample Five (5)
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM FEI Netherland Morphological studies in solid samples Rs 8000 per sample Forty (40)
Facilities Make Application Name of the Test Test cost per sample per hr
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Bruker Biospin Switzerland Molecular characterization of petroleum products(Scope for nuclei from 15N to 31P and 1H and 19F) Test time depends on type of nuclei selection, materials and relaxation times and probe system installed with the instrument. Any additional hr costs Rs 1000 .00 more per hr. Nuclei other than table needs discussion 1H NMR Liquid RS 1000 per sample
13C NMR CPD liquid RS 5000 per sample
13C NMR DEPT 135-liquid RS 5000 per sample
31P NMR-liquid Rs 5000 per sample
13C HPDEC solid (4-12kHz MAS ) RS 10000 per sample
13C CPMAS solid (4-12kHz MAS ) RS 10000 per sample
29Si MAS HPDEC solid (4-12kHz MAS ) RS 10000 per sample
27Al MAS(4-12kHz MAS) RS 10000 per sample
FTIR Perkin Elmer Functional group type detection in organic compounds Rs 3000 Thirty (30)
UV -VIS-NIR Spectroscopy Perkin Elmer Molecular level characterization having unsaturation/Aromatics
Nahthalene hydrocarbon in ATF by UV Spectrophotometry ASTM D1840
Rs 3000.00 per sample for recording
Rs 15000.00 for ASTM D 1840
Ten (10)

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