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Anand Narani


B Sc Osmania University
M Sc Inorganic Chemistry, Osmania University
Ph D ndian Institute of Chemical Technology (Osmania University)
E Mail anand.narani[at]iip[dot]res[dot]in
Cell No. 7702674452
Telephone No. 01352525941/824

Research Interest

  • Catalytic and Thermo Chemical conversion of Lignin to value added chemicals and fuels
  • Conversion of C5 & C6 sugars to chemicals and fuels
  • Biomass/bio char derived carbon materials for catalytic/energy/environmental applications
  • Heterogeneous catalysis
  • Mesoporous Material synthesis and applications

Work Experience

    09/2017 – present: Scientist at CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun Thermo-catalytic process area, BioFuels Division

    Postdoctoral Experience:

  • June 2015-May 2016: Post Doct with Prof. Gadi Rothenberg, Van’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS)-Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry (HCSC), University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • June 2014-May 2015 Postdoc with Prof. Katalin Barta, Department of Green Chemistry and Catalysis, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Awards and Honours

  • Member of Winning Team for “Value-Creation” competition conducted by Catch-Bio held at Utrecht, January 2016.
  • Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), 2008-2010, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India.
  • Qualified GATE in 2008 with 98.3% (Rank: 106)


Selected Publications

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