Rules and Regulations

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Mandate/Charter of Organisation 


  • Develop novel, state-of-the-art technologies for petroleum refining, chemicals, petrochemicals and products, application of petroleum products in IC engines & combustion systems.
  • Provide scientific and technical services to the industry.
  • Conduct Market Surveys and Techno-economic Feasibility Studies.
  • Train technical personnel from Hydrocarbon and user industries.
  • Assist Bureau of Indian Standards in formulation of standard specifications for petroleum products.


The Indian Institute of Petroleum is committed to be the centre of excellence in providing cutting edge products, technologies, services and solutions for the energy sector. The Institute shall continue to remain ahead of international developments and in this respect, it has set the following quality objectives:

  • Provide competitive and sustainable technologies and products to meet the requirements of the ever growing energy sector.
  • Exploit renewable resources and waste materials to develop low cost path ways for making fuels and chemicals available even from non-fossil sources.
  • Capacity and capability to develop new energy areas such as bio, hydrogen and solar energy and their innovative combination.
  • Continue to remain an excellent centre for learning in the energy sector to meet human resource development requirements both nationally and internationally.
  • Customer satisfaction through committed quality, cost and deliveries.

Particulars of Organisation, Functions and Duties


Indian Institute of Petroleum is one of the premier institutes of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, (CSIR) and is accredited with ISO 9001:2000 certification. IIP provides Research and Development as well as technical support to the downstream sector of the hydrocarbon industry.  It develops and transfers technologies to industry, in the area of petroleum refining, natural gas, petrochemicals, chemicals and utilization of petroleum products. It provides technical services to the industry, imparts training to the personnel of the related industry, assists BIS in formulation of standards for petroleum products and conducts techno-economic feasibility studies & market demand surveys of petroleum products.  It plays an important role in assisting refineries in absorption, adaptation and selection of technologies and in optimization of unit operations. It was established in September 1960 by an Act of Parliament to provide technical and scientific support to the entry of public sector in the hydrocarbon industry at that time.  Initially from 1962-66, it had technical collaboration with Francais du Petrole (IFP) France.  The Institute has its vast campus amidst lush green tea gardens in the foothills of Garhwal Himalayas, at Dehradun.  It has been functioning in this campus since April 1963.   Institute has qualified, experienced and dedicated staff of R & D scientists and skilled technical personnel. Detailed information is available at its website

Resource Base

CSIR-IIP has a strong resource base- both in terms of scientific staff and financial resources.  While its experienced scientific and supporting staff constitute about 74% of its total strength, the majority of scientific staff hold Ph.D. Degree. Presently the strength of Scientists and Technical Officer is 130. The institute has strengthened its financial base through external earnings to an extent of 50% of the grant it gets from the CSIR, which speaks volumes about the faith the industry has put in the Institute. In the period 2002-05, 91 Research Papers were published.  The Impact Factor of these research papers has seen a steady growth and is now at the scale of 1.76.  Thirty-six (Indian and Foreign) patents were filed and 49 patents (Indian and Foreign) were granted in this period.  Fifteen Doctoral theses were awarded by various Universities based on the research work conducted in the Institute.

R&D Infrastructure

CSIR-IIP has a strong infrastructure support for R&D activities and state-of-the- art facilities for analysis, evaluation and testing of crude oil, petroleum products, chemicals and catalysts. Facilities include computer-controlled fully automatic pilot plants and micro-reactor units for catalyst and process development, multipurpose fully automated pressure swing adsorption unit, biotechnological research facilities, lubrication testing facilities, laser particle size analyser, short-path molecular distillation system, software for computer simulation & modelling and computer networking. Engine testing laboratory is equipped with chassis dynamometer for HDC vehicles and cars.  CFR engines for MON & RON, automatic exhaust emission analyser, MPFI testing and dilution tunnel for particulate measurement. The Institute has a workshop for designing and fabrication of metallic and glass equipments, captive power generation and its own water supply system.

Core competence

CSIR-IIP’s core competence encompasses diverse aspects of R&D in the downstream sector of petroleum industry as listed below:

  • Crude evaluation and physicochemical characterization of petroleum products
  • Catalyst and conversion processes
  • Separation processes
  • IC engine studies including emissions and alternative fuels studies
  • Industrial and domestic combustion
  • Tribological studies
  • Process development for petrochemicals and intermediates and for biocatalytic processes
  • Development of additives and specialty chemicals for hydrocarbon sector
  • Molecular level characterization of petroleum products and related products
  • Simulation, modelling and process design

Major Processes & Products Developed and Commercialized

The Institute follows a consortium approach for development of its technologies and for providing the total engineering package to its clients.  Most of the R & D projects have industrial partners in development. 

The Institute has developed several world class technologies in the refining and related areas.  Thirty eight technologies having licensed capacity around 28 million tonnes per annum have been transferred to industry.  Almost, every Indian refinery in the country has technologies licensed by the Institute.

Major services being provided by the Institute to the industry

Technical Assistance

Technical assistance and consultancy is provided to refineries on various refining operation and related activities.  Chemical analysis by state-of-the-art equipment and performance evaluation of petroleum products is conducted on standard engines.  Lubricating oil, additives fuel, fuel saving additives and devices are evaluated by field trials.  Testing and evaluation of fuels and oils for emission type approval, octane / cetane rating of gasoline/diesel fuel and rating of engine components is provided.  Emission evaluation of power generator sets for COP testing, and testing of smoke measuring equipments is also taken up.  IIP provides engine oil qualification certificates against BIS specifications.


The Institute conducts specialized training programmes for technical personnel from refineries, petrochemical plants, automotive industry and power plants.  These programmes are designed as per specific requirements.  Faculty is mostly drawn from the Institute itself but is supplemented with experts in specific areas invited from other organizations.  On an average 15-20 programmes are presently conducted per year.  So far 5000 personnel from various industries have been trained at IIP.  It would not be an exaggeration to say today in the Indian hydrocarbon industry there is hardly any person who has not had his training and knowledge brush-up at the IIP.

Fuel Testing Laboratory (FTL)

Another landmark contribution of the Indian Institute of Petroleum to the society in general is the conduct of the Fuel Testing Laboratory (FTL) in the National Capital Region (NCR) of NOIDA, which keeps a check on the fuel quality in the NCR.  IIP’s key role consists in analysis of gasoline, diesel and kerosene for checking the adulteration as well as in framing specifications, selection, commissioning and calibration of equipments.

Awards and Recognitions

The Institute and its scientists have received many prestigious awards in recognition of excellence in various fields.  IIP has the distinction of bagging eight CSIR Best Technology Awards in the past eleven years of institution of such awards by CSIR.  IIP has received FICCI, ICMA, NRDC awards for its technologies. 

IIP is a member of various National bodies and is recognized by Indian Universities and academic institutions to conduct research leading to award of Master and Doctorate Degrees.  The Institute has so far produced 80 Ph.D’s in different disciplines relevant to R & D activities of the Institute.  The scientists of the Institute are members on the editorial boards of reputed International and National Journals.  Universities invite the eminent scientists of the Institute as guest faculty and external examiners.

International Linkages

With liberalization of Indian economy to integrate with global economy, IIP has moved towards globalization of its technologies.  It has forged alliance with several prestigious international organizations such as SINTEF, Norway; CDTech, USA; and Exxon Mobil, USA.  The negotiations are in process with UOP, USA; GTC, USA and Blyth Corporation USA.

Transfer of CSIR-IIP Technologies

Within the scope of the licence of IIP process, which grants the right to use IIP’s know-how, IIP ensures the supply of all required technical documentation the full training of licencees personnel in IIP’s facilities, all necessary assistance for the start-up of the licensee’s plant and the disclosure of all future improvements of the IIP process.

The Road Ahead

The institute would focus on new generation fuels and lubricants, upgradation and development of refining processes for heavier and high sulphur crudes, alternative fuels like the conversion of biomass to fuels, biodiesel, conversion and utilization of natural gas including methane and biodegradable lubricants.

Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees


  • Realizing the mission of the Institute.
  • Creating an environment in the Institute conducive to nurturing of innovation and high class R&D and the other S&T activities of the institute.
  • Managing the affairs of the Institute as per the decisions of the Management Council.

Director shall in all matters have powers delegated to him by the Governing Body.

We are an R&D organization with four broad categories of employees – Officers whose duties are broadly given as under:
Scientists To generate new ideas, conduct research in them and take it to fructification
Technical staff To assist the Scientist in their R&D activities.
Supporting staff General support to Scientists and Technical staff by way of running/maintaining infrastructure and services.
Administrative staff To render all the administrative services starting from Recruitment of staff to termination/purchase/accounting etc.

All the powers have been vested with the Director of this Institute. However, some routine day to day functions / decisions which are non discretionary in nature are delegated to various authorities.

Decision making process (including channels of supervision and accountability)

Regarding R&D activities, we have Heads of Divisions who normally take a decision in process making in consultation with the Director. HoDs also supervise the R&D activity in their discipline. The individual scientists reports to the HoDs. The HoDs are accountable to the Director who in turn report to Research Council. In Administration, we have three wings namely, Administration, Finance & Accounts and Stores and Purchase.  All the three wings are headed by Controller of Administration, Controller of F&A and Controller of S&P respectively and directly report to the Director. In addition, various internal committees have been constituted which are bestowed with specific responsibilities to address problems of specific in nature. These committees give their commendations to the Director who would take a final decision. The Director is also the final decision maker in all policy related issues.

Norms for Discharge of Functions

Guidelines are framed on the basis of CSIR instructions from time to time.
Categories of documents that are held by it or under its control :- Scientific reports, patents, technical reports, MoU’s etc 

Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records

Rules and Regulations

Purchase Procedures 

Recruitment and Assessment Rules 

Categories of Documents

Scientific reports, patents, technical reports, MoU’s etc

Fee for Seeking Information

A citizen who desires to seek some information from this Institute is required to send, along with the application, a demand draft or a bankers cheque or an Indian Postal Order of Rs. 10/- (Rupees ten), payable to the Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun as fee prescribed for seeking information.

Formulation of Policy or Implementation

Policy related to all the CSIR Labs/Institutes is to be formulated by CSIR Hqrs., New Delhi

Statement of the Boards, Councils, Committees and Other Bodies

Members of Society

Directory of Scientists, Officers and Employees (Telephone Directory)

 Please brows through the website

Monthly remuneration of scientists, officers and employees and system of compensation 

Latest information is to be provided by Bill Section.

Budget allocations (all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements)

Budget Allocation for the Financial year 2017-18
Sr. No.  Heads (in Lakhs)
1 Pay & Allowances – Staff 2260.000
2 Other Revenue Expenses 549.210
3 Capital Expenses 260.000
4 Network Projects 234.100
  Total 3303.310
  Centrally Operated  
  Pension 2679.000
  Conveyance 15.000
  Total 2694.000
  Grand Total 5997.310

Execution of subsidy programmes 

Not Applicable

Recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations

Not Applicable

Details of information in an electronic form

Please brows through the website

Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information

The institute periodically prepares booklets, pamphlets, and preliminary technical notes, for dissemination of technical information. Foundation Day of CSIR and IIP is kept open for the public to get an exposure to the Institute’s R&D activities. Library is kept open on all working days during working hours.

Names, Designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers

Central Public Information Officer (Scientific and Technical Matters)

Dr Shailendra Tripathi

Principal Scientist

Indian Institute of Petroleum,

Dehradun 248 005

Telephone – (O) 0135-2525831

Email – stripathi[at]iip[dot]res[dot]in

Central Public Information Officer (Administrative Matters) 

Jaswant Rai

Controller of Administration

CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum

Dehradun 248 005

Telephone – (O) 0135-2525722

Fax – (0135) 2660203

Email – coa[at]iip[dot]res[dot]in

Assistant Public Information Officer

Parvesh Chand

Section Officer

CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum

Dehradun 248 0055

Telephone – (O) 0135-2525758, 2525719

Email –

Other information 

Please brows through the website

Appellate Authority 

Amar Kumar Jain  Chief Scientist Head, RPPM CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum Mohkampur, Dehradun 248 005 Telephone – (O) 0135-2525743, 2660124 Email – amarjain[at]iip[dot]res[dot]in